Bat for Lashes (which is the pseudonym for Natasha Khan) sounds like a combination between Kate Bush, PJ Harvey, and Bjork. But what makes her unique is that voice of hers. It's bell-like, pure as snow, and it drives right through the listener. I was hooked on the very first listen.
Here's a sample of her music. This song is called "Good Love" and it's off the second album, Two Suns. I think I must have heard it a thousand times by now -- it's the one I always find myself rewinding. Enjoy!
Vampire Diaries

How wrong I was.
What came first for me was the show, though, not the book. I decided I would watch the pilot episode of "Vampire Diaries" last Thursday on the CW at 8 PM/EST. Fully preparing to snark at it, I might add, and telling myself I would turn it off if it proved sucky within the first five minutes.
I was not prepared to like it as much as I did! Yes there was much to snark at -- the laughable dialogue, the beer bottle that doubles as future-telling crystal ball, the ridunkulous special effects (that fog, lol!)... I could go on, but honestly none of it matters in the end.
Yes, it's a silly show. But there's something strangely compelling about it. Plus I think I'm just more forgiving of TV shows than I am of films. I got the first book on Friday and am about 5 chapters in at the moment. So far, it's very different from the show. The main character, Elena, is blond for starters. I think I prefer her brunette, as in the show. (Um, I'm a brunette and brunettes rule, 'kay?) I can't say which I like better, the book or the show, because it's too early to tell for both. But one thing's for sure -- I'll definitely be tuning in to the CW this Thursday!
What is TATE'S? Only the best comic book store. Ever. It sells everything from yes, comic books to anime, toys, and even food rarely found outside of Japan. The boyf first took me there a couple of months ago and it was love at first sight. I went again yesterday, Saturday, and walked out with a Totoro bag, some adorable pins, and a keychain of a monkey with LED flashing blue eyes that also happens to howl like a monkey. All this for under $26. Awesome.
If ever you should find yourself in Lauderhill, FL, do check out this fabulous store. You won't be disappointed.
Dr. Pepper

The boyf says you taste good even in your diet version. Is this really true? I guess I'm going to have to try that out. Until then, hugs and kisses, you delicious drink, you.

What inspired me to get them chopped off and risk the wrath of le boyf (who hates bangs for some ungodly reason)? The post Busy Bee Lauren wrote on Melissa as her "style icon." You see, Melissa has some rockin' bangs, and she inspired me to get my own. (Thanks, Melissa! :D)
I think bangs are very elegant and I feel quite girlish when I wear them forward. Which is getting harder to do, true, now that they're longer. I'm unsure whether or not to keep growing them or cut them again. What do you think?
And no, boyf, I didn't ask you. ;)
What are some of your favorite things this month?

All content on this site is the sole property of Ana Cristina Simon, unless otherwise stated, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
5 comment(s):
From a guy's point of view, I loooove bangs. I think they look great on girls. I guess everyone has different tastes, but I don't know a lot of people who dislike them D:
I'm with you on TVD and Dr. Pepper. I've always wanted bangs but I would look ridunkulous if I got them.
Oh, and btw, you didn't tear me away from the VMAs. I just followed the highlights on Twitter! :)
I'm diggin' Bat for Lashes! Thanks for the tip! She has some nice Sarah Mclachlanish hooks...
And you look super duper cute with bangs!! Just sayin'!
Every now and again I get a Dt. Dr. Pepper instead of my normal Dt. Coke. Tho I'm not a pop drinker (we don't have it in the house) it's a nice change of pace. :)
Fun post!!!!
Dr. Pepper! Who doesn't love it?! XDD.
as for The Vampire Diaries, I'm going to have to check it out. Too much talk, and I'm getting curious!
Love the post! :D
Loving Dizzee Rascal right now. Oh, and my XM radio on my iPhone...love being able to listen to Oprah Radio and BBC Radio 1 while I work!
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