I am an incurable romantic. You know this if you have ever chanced upon
my Twilight blog. You may not know that much of what I read (and I read a lot, about 1-2 books a week) is romantic in nature. The same goes for my film-viewing. If it weren't for the boyf, I would watch solely romantic movies. Thanks to him, I have come to appreciate action films as well -- no go on the horror/suspense categories as of yet, though. I try to convince him to see a romantic film with me every now and then, however, and he's pretty receptive I must admit.
So in my combing other Twilight-related blogs for news of the upcoming sequel, "
New Moon," I chanced upon the following trailers for this new short film called "
The Summer House," starring the main actor from "Twilight," Robert Pattinson. I have a feeling it is right up my romantic alley. Here are the trailers:
The Summer House (extended trailer with music)
I first saw the extended trailer with music some time ago and had forgotten about it, thinking it wouldn't be released or whatever. I even fell in love with the song that plays during the second trailer; it's called "Into the Night" and it's by the Motorhomes. They're a pretty decent band.
I would be over the moon if the film came out and I honestly never expected it to, but according to recent buzz in the Twi-verse, it might be coming out soon.
Contrary to what I thought when I first saw the extended trailer sometime in the summer, it will not be a feature-length film but rather a short. Its
IMDB page cites its run time as 12 minutes (!). That's short, but what I have seen of it so far intrigued me ... I really want to see it! (And no, this desire has nothing to do with a certain floppy haired actor with the initials R.P. :p)
I also found out that the film has its own
website. It's quite rustic and charming and it has quite a bit of information about the film. Here is the synopsis:
The Summer House is about a moment in a young girl's life. A turning point, a time for decision: to go back, or go forward? Jane (17) is in rural France visiting her aunt Priscilla during the hot summer of 1969, the year of the Moon landings. Also staying at this beautiful 19th century chateau, a sleeping beauty of a house, are her aunt’s old flame Freddie Porteous, a charming Englishman, and his wife Marie Pierre, a French woman of great sophistication and beauty.
Jane has left behind an unfaithful first love. Several letters have pursued her, letters decorated with hearts to tempt her. The author of these letters, Richard (18), turns up uninvited. Jane is unaware that her situation is provoking tensions among the older generation, she catches whispers of unspoken somethings at the heart of Freddie and Priscilla's relationship and she finds Marie Pierre’s allure and passion unsettling.
Jane looks to her role models for advice but Priscilla, Freddie and Marie Pierre have become wrapped up in their own giddy feelings about what it was like to be 17 and in love. At a party to celebrate the moon landings Jane is transformed by Marie Pierre from English mouse to sophisticated woman. Wanting to impress and suspecting Richard might be at the party she holds her head high.
Dizzy from dancing and emboldened by champagne Jane ventures out to the Summer House. Curiosity has got the better of her. Is there a dalliance between her sensible aunt and charismatic Freddie? Instead she is confronted a repentant Richard. He wants her back. She is impossibly tempted, but repelled by his crude attempt to force her.
The romantic ideal of young love becomes crushed by his rough desire and by the giggling arrival of Priscilla and Freddie. Jane is forced to face the disappointment of reality. Troubled by Richard’s motivation and by the apparent immaturity of Priscilla & Freddie, she burns the unopened letters and drops them into a deep well. Her world has changed, expanded; a more complex fairy tale is emerging…
Interesting, no? It also cites that the film is based on a book, but apparently it is only available in the UK. Woe...
Hopefully the Twilight fervor will convince the publishers to bring the book here! If you are interested in learning more about "The Summer House," you can visit its site
In other news, I received my score report from the ABCTE today and yes, folks, I officially passed both the Professional Education and English 6-12 tests! (These are teacher certification exams, without which I'd be unemployed) YAY! I've been a nervous wreck since I took the exams (almost a month ago), literally tearing my nails to shreds as I waited for my scores... So I'm happy that's one less stress to worry about.
But now I'm worried about something else, something even more important -- the boyf suddenly became ill this afternoon while I was relaxing at his house with him. He seems to either have contracted some stomach virus or developed a bad reaction to something he ate earlier in the day. We don't know yet and will have to just wait it out. I felt bad leaving him (no, we don't live together), but I had to come back home to get ready for work tomorrow. Plus he lives with his family, so I know he's not alone. He's sleeping now -- hopefully when he wakes up tomorrow, he will feel better.
It wasn't until I met him that I realized you could be so affected by the status (emotional, physical or otherwise) of somebody else. When he hurts,
I hurt. It is a visceral thing, a connection that nothing or no one else can break. I know I am truly blessed by his presence and often consider myself the luckiest girl in the world. So please say a little prayer for him tonight. I'd really appreciate it.
I think I am going to jump in the shower now, maybe make myself some hot choc, and curl up with
le chat and watch a film. Possibly a romantic one. Possibly even "Twilight." ;)