Three films I can't wait to see

I stayed home from work today, having caught the stomach flu from my boyfriend. If you recall, he was violently ill last week. Well, yesterday was my turn. :[

Thankfully, it seems to have been only a 24-hour thing. It came on suddenly yesterday morning and though my stomach is still roiling a bit, I'm feeling human again.

I hate when I get sick on a weekend because that's my down-time. But at least Saturday was a great day. Ricky and I went to our favorite restaurant, Les Halles, and noshed on yummy steak and crème brûlée. (Pictures forthcoming; maybe tomorrow when I'm not feeling so yucky.)

ETA: OK I couldn't resist posting the pix when I saw them enlarged on my computer. ;) Here they are:
Love him.

No, I have no idea why I'm making that expression.

The Happy Couple. (I love how the background's all blurry here.)

At least I got to eat well before I got sick!

After eating at Les Halles, we came back home and had fun watching videos on the web. First we saw the new series of "Full Metal Alchemist" which is being released online. (Verdict: AWESOME so far!) Then we started researching upcoming films on YouTube and

Some films I can't wait to see? "Up" by Pixar; "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," natch; and the one I'm positively giddy over, "Where the Wild Things Are."

Here are some most awesome trailers:


"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"

"Where the Wild Things Are"

Are there any films you are dying to see? Let me know in the comments! :-)

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All content on this site is the sole property of Ana Cristina Simon, unless otherwise stated, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

12 comment(s):

g2 (la pianista irlandesa) said...

Holy crow, "Up" looks awesome. But, I mean, that's self-evident, right? It's Pixar for cryin' out loud... and (I think) it's going to be in digital 3D as well!

Two movies you don't have here which I am greatly anticipating are "The Soloist" (I think coming out at the end of this month; 'bout time too, it was delayed back in November) with Jamie Foxx and Robert Downy, Jr., and "Sherlock Holmes" with Downy, Jr. I don't know when that one's coming out, however (I also have yet to find previews).

Unknown said...

Yeah, I want to see those, too -- especially "Sherlock Holmes!"

Abel said...

Of movies coming up soon, I wanna see Star Trek (if only because I have trust in JJ Abrams' directing), Terminator Salvation, Night at the Museum 2, and most of all Angels and Demons! Especially with the new Dan Brown book coming out soon.

HBP...I'm still torn about. I know I'll see it, maybe even at midnight, but I won't enjoy it. I might just leave the theatre slightly angry at it, like with Order of the Phoenix :/

Then at some point in the future there's Transformers 2, and The Time Traveler's Wife (if that ever gets released!).

Also, new FMA series?! I feel so disappointed in myself that I never finished it all the times I tried. Always gave up around episode twenty-something.

Unknown said...

Abel - you have to finish FMA. It is beyond awesome, one of my favorite anime series EVER.

Also, Time Traveler's Wife has a release date of August 14 as per IMDB . Not that that means anything, of course, but still.

Anonymous said...

I've never been to that restaurant or even heard of it :[ I will definitely be checking it out.

Sorry that you were sick. I had to call in sick to work yesterday too. Something just wasn't feeling right...I had a migraine and an upset stomach all hoo!

ElshaHawk said...

Those are on my list at the very top!

Swetha said...

i m sorry that you were ill !

i m waiting to see Harry Potter and the half blood prince.. i m a die hard fan of Daniel Radcliffe !

Rose said...

Yes! Can't wait for the next Harry Potter film. I really enjoyed Order of the Phoenix!

And I see you've already mentioned it but I am also DYING to see how they do Time Traveler's Wife. The book was awesome and I don't know how they're gonna structure it, what with all the jumping around scenes and stuff.

Hmm, what else...can't really think of anything in particular.
Ah well, there you go! :D

Rose @>}------

Nancy Face said...

Oh, no! I'm sorry about the stomach flu...that is just the worst! :(

Nancy Face said...

Oh my goodness! I'm also looking forward to seeing "Up" and "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"...but I had NO IDEA a movie was being made from the book "Where the Wild Things Are"! I love that book so much! It looks like they're doing a great job on the movie, too! :D

TLC said...

Oh geez...I hope your feeling better. Theres nothing I hate worse then a tummy that rumbles. YUCK!

Sending you net
{{{get well flowers}}} :)

I too, am looking forward to "where the wild things grow"
I loved that growing up and i'm passing its delight along to my nephew.

Hannahkin said...

i'm totally psyched for WTWTA. when we heard about it, my mom and i dug out our copy of the book - and it's classic! i can't wait.... the preview makes me want to watch it NOW!!! :) :)

also excited for HP. even if it is just because i think Rupert Grint is amazing :) #6 is a big one!!

are you feeling better, lovely?!