Shakespeare's Cursed Grave

Mistress Elsha of Ficlets fame posted the neatest challenge ever!

You have to write a what-if scenario based upon the inscription found on Shakespeare's grave:

Blessed be the man that spares these stones,
and cursed be he who moves my bones.

Cree-py! So I went and wrote my own entry. Let me know what you think of it!

In the Dead of Night

One of the perks of living in Stratford is being able to regularly visit Shakespeare’s grave. My wife thinks me daft, but I honestly find inspiration from visiting it.

Visiting his grave on this sunny Sunday, I trace my fingers over the inscription for the thousandth time and reflect anew upon the mysterious words:

“Blessed be the man that spares these stones,
and cursed be he who moves my bones.”

“I wonder what would happen if – “

I actually said those words aloud. I would come to regret them soon enough.

They led me to open his grave later, in the dead of night. They led me to poke through the withering remnants of his corpse, curiosity leading me where angels fear to tread. Hidden amongst the threadbare folds of his cravat, I found a strange amulet with a large pendant in its center. It glowed greenly in the dark of midnight, lit from within as if it were the eye of a daemon.

Whilst I was staring into its murky depths, I heard an unearthly chuckle.

“To be or not to be? That is the question…”

2 comment(s):

ElshaHawk said...

I'm hardly famous..... :)

Unknown said...

Yes, you are! You're number 3 on the Most Active Author list. That's famous in my book. :p