Something else that sets JYTBB apart from the rest is the contest they are currently holding in which one lucky reader will win the bookcase of their choice.
Here are the deets straight from the girls at Just Your Typical Book Blog:
CSN specializes in a wide variety of Office Furniture. Instead of us picking out which one someone can win, we've decided to let you choose which suits your room/living room/office/etc the best!
Here's what you do to enter:
1. Click right here and browse the selection of bookcases. Choose ANY one you want with a retail value of 80 dollars or less.
2. Leave a comment saying which bookcase you picked and include your email address. Just so there is no confusion, you have to leave BOTH things in your entry or it will not count. If you do not feel comfortable leaving your info here, just shoot us an email: justyourtypicalbookblog@hotmail.com
For extra entries:+2 for becoming a new follower
+5 for already being a follower prior to this post. (Thanks!)
+2 for each place you link this contest to. (Please post the links on here too.)
The contest will end August 13 at midnight central time. It is only open to those living in the United States. One winner will be chosen and will have 48 hours to contact us with their info. Thanks and good luck to all who enter! This is one of the coolest giveaways we've had on the blog. Also a huge thanks to Jon from CSN Furniture for offering it to us!
Sounds too good to be true? Go on and read it at the original source. Thanks again to Just Your Typical Book Blog for holding this awesome contest!

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