Change is good.

Just a quick post to say I've updated my blog layout! I was kind of sick of the purple and wanted some calming blue. How do you like it? :)

I know I've been dismal in the blogging department as of late. You can blame it on the flu from hell as well as a general lack of inspiration. I even put NaNoWriMo on the back burner, which is sad. But oh wells. At least I felt inspired enough to create a new blog layout!

Stay tuned for a new blog button, which is in the works.  In the meantime, let me know how YOU have been doing. What are your plans for Thanksgiving?

6 comment(s):

.adri. said...

ohmygosh! I love the new layout! The colors are soothing and the photo is just...beautiful! :o) You did this yourself???

Claire Kiefer said...

I love your new layout! How on earth did you do it? I spent forever with a friend yesterday trying to get her blog up and running and we spent over an hour just trying to figure out how to center her header! Geez. Yours looks wonderful! Where did you get this template??

Unknown said...

Thanks! This blog layout is courtesy of Rainy Day Templates (click on the link at the very bottom of my blog), and I just played around with different pictures in the header and stuff. A lot of this is just trial and error. Let me know if you ladies need help! :)

danielle and dinosaur toes said...

yes, i really, really like the blue! also, i'll get your new button added to my blog soon!

glad you're over the flu. i though last week that i was getting sick, but luckily i didn't!

Vanessa said...

Love the new look! Super, super cute!

Cole Hodge said...

Nice bloog you have