So long, farewell... [THE DANGER MAGNET]

Today I put my old Twilight site, The Danger Magnet, to rest. This was not an easy decision to make, believe me -- I have been the site owner since July of 2008. Which is insane. But I felt it was time to pack my bags, so to speak, and move on to something new.

What does this mean for The Danger Magnet? Well, I have decided to discontinue payments on the domain, so this site should be deactivated very soon. I will still be active on my own blog,, however. So please stay in touch, fellow danger magnets!

Special thanks go to Lauren from Busy Bee Lauren, who first inspired me to begin Twi-blogging in the first place with her old site, Lauren's Bite. Thanks also to cutie and kg from Super Secret Twilight Blog, for always being there, to Danny from Let's ride the Vanquish for being such a wonderful reader and bloggy friend, to One Pushy Fox from for being an awesome contributor and buddy, and to Betti from Betti. Music. Twilight. for giving me that amazingly amazing blinking blog button. More thanks go to to the following sites for being great affiliates and all-around great friends:

Extra special thanks go to my wonderful TDM staff: Christy, Rory, Sarah, and Gracie. I couldn't have done it without you! :D

It has been a pleasure being part of this fandom. Twilight will always be a happy memory for me, and you are a part of that. Best wishes always.
Annie Cristina

Thanks for reading!



7 comment(s):

One Pushy Fox said...

Oh, it's the end of an era!!!! Sorry to see it end but I look forward to your future ventures! *hugs*

Honolulu Girl-Suz said...

That's so sad, but I can relate. Your interests have grown and change, and I congratulate you on your future ventures.

Unknown said...

Thanks, guys! One of my future ventures is the novel I'm currently working on, so here's hoping that works out for me. (Crosses fingers eyes, ears, toes, etc.)

Anonymous said...

This makes me sad, mostly because you were my very first bloggy friend, and for your kindness, I'll always be grateful.

My domain unknowingly expired a few months back, which has been hard, but life goes on. I'll always be nostalgic and thankful for the Twilight memories, and The Danger Magnet was one of the original, and one of the best.

Take care- love and kisses, and thanks for the memories...

Be safe,
The twilight moonlighter, aka pillow biter

.adri. said...

Oh wow! I was [just] thinking today about how I haven't heard much talk at all about Twilight in a long while....


Danny said...

Times change. All of us do too. I understand your decision and I'm pretty sure it was not an easy one.

The Danger Magnet was one of the first Twilight blogs I've read and you were among the first friends I made here. So If course it's sad, but understandable.

I think my last post on my Twilight Blog is month ago and I changed my focus too.

I wish you all the best for your novel!!!

Courtney said...

I remember The Danger Magnet! Lauren's Bite and TDM were the first Twilight blogs I read!