What I'm reading now...

What I just finished reading...

I really, really liked this book. I bought it in the summer in the midst of my thesis writing and put it away on the shelf, knowing I'd come back to it eventually. I finally picked it back up last week and read it in two days. I was so into this book, I even lost almost a whole night's worth of sleep. On a school night. So you know it's got to be good. What that being said, I felt the ending was a bit humdrum. It just didn't have that oomph I was expecting. But overall it's a great book -- fast-paced, thrilling, and basically everything you want of a murder mystery. I'm eager to see the film adaptation now.

What I'm reading now...

I just started this book. I knew I wanted to read it because I loved the first book, Hush, Hush. I can't say much about what I think of it or anything like that, since it's still early on, but I will say this -- it's not unraveling how I expected it to AT ALL. So I think it should prove an interesting read.

What I want to read next...

I first heard about this book thanks to Daniel Radcliffe (yes, Harry Potter). It's the book he's holding in the new READ poster sold by ALA. I was curious because I'd never heard of it before, and so I did some research and found out it's a allegorical fantasy. The synopsis on Amazon sounded interesting, so I decided to order it on a whim. It's on its way and I can't wait to read it...

What are you reading now?


4 comment(s):

Claire Kiefer said...

So glad to read your Dragon Tattoo review, cause I also bought it a while back, and I'm kind of struggling with the beginning. Knowing that it picks up and delivers is encouraging--I have to know what all the rage is about!!

Unknown said...

@Claire: Yeah, the beginning was a little slow going but it picks up dramatically after you meet the main character. So don't give up! And let me know when you finish. I'm dying to hear your opinion. :)

Anonymous said...

I had read a girl with the dragon tattoo over the summer. I thought it was pretty good. I agree with the ending but i guess thats so you'll read the other books too. But its was very thrilling. I enjoyed it

danielle and dinosaur toes said...

i've actually never read the girl with the dragon tattoo, but i've heard really good things about it.

i'm currently rereadin baby proof by emily giffin. i liked it a lot the first time i read it a few years ago because i think i can relate to the main character (for the most part).