Lolcat of the Week

This week's Lolcat has no caption. He's in honor of the latest Harry Potter film, "The Deathly Hallows Part 1." (Which was amazing. My review/rave will be forthcoming today or tomorrow).

Do this kitty a favor and give him a caption! What should he say?

4 comment(s):

danielle and dinosaur toes said...

i sez abra kadabra.

i'm no good at that sort of thing! i hope we can still be friends after i say this, but i just can't get into harry potter. on a flight to sf last november, one of the harry potter movies was the in-flight movie, and it was horrible! hahaha!

Unknown said...

We can't be friends. End of story.


Okay fine, I'll still be your friend. So long as you promise to give Harry Potter another chance! I didn't like it on first viewing either. It took reading the books to make me a fan.

Vanessa said...

Bahaha. Too funny!

Melly Mel said...

soo funny!