Happy Friday!

It's been a good week. Even though we had Picture Day at my school this week and I had to walk all 6 of my English classes down two flights of stairs and all the way to the other building to take the picture, then back again to class. Even though Tropical Storm Nicole gave us two days of almost nonstop rain, causing a leak to materialize in my classroom. (Thanks, Nicole.) Even though I'm getting a monster zit on my chin that hurts like hell. (Thanks, PMS.)

Despite all of these potentially blah-inducing events, it all worked out. My students were (more or less) behaved trooping to and fro when taking pictures. My boyfriend braved tropical storm weather conditions just to visit me. And Benefit's makeup works WONDERS to cover up zits.

Last night Ricky played me the new Sufjan Stevens CD, "Age of Adz," and I have a new favorite song: the first track on that album, "Futile Devices," is all sorts of amazing. But don't take my word for it. Hear it here:

Pretty, no?

Something else making this week worthwhile -- its finale. Ricky and I are going to Orlando this weekend, where we'll be visiting (WAIT FOR IT... WAIT FOR IT...) the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. FINALLY! Le boyf has hinted at getting me some early birthday gifts at WWHP (like maybe a wand OMG). I am so excited, I can't even... *insert squee here*

What are you doing this weekend, my lovies? Let me know in the comments!


3 comment(s):

.adri. said...

omg that song is awesome! love it! :)

Annnnnnd yay! I am so happy for you and so jealous that you get to go to Orlando! I haven't been there in like three months & it feels like forever! I absolutely love it there but I think you know that already lol

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Love it. Happy wekend and how fun for you!

Unknown said...

is it bad that i secretly dread weekends? i hope yours is thoroughly magical, though!