No Reservations: Sri Lanka

In this week's episode of "No Reservations," Anthony Bourdain is going to a country I've always wanted to visit: Sri Lanka.

One of my favorite authors, Michael Ondaatje, was born in Sri Lanka and I've come to learn a little bit about the country's rich culture from his books. I'm writing a thesis on Ondaatje's novel, The English Patient, with the focus on the assimilation of different cultures. Sri Lanka fits perfectly with my theme because the country is a blend of many different nationalities, their influences visible in everything from the architecture to the food.

Here's what Ingrid has to say about tomorrow night's show:
In the next episode of Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, Tony is truly taken in by the locals as they show him Sri Lankan culture and cuisine.

Portuguese, Dutch, British, Indian, Arab, Malay and Moor traders have all contributed to the diversity of Sri Lankan food. While in Colombo, Tony enjoys popular street foods, rides in a tri-shaw, samples lampreis, a local delicacy, and eats a heaping pile of kotu roti.

His journey doesn’t stop there. He continues onto the smaller seaside village of Seenigama and speaks to villagers about how they rebuilt their town after the devastating tsunami. Once the rebuilding was complete, the unity of the townsfolk led to other projects, like the creation of a culinary school to help Sri Lankan’s learn to properly prepare local dishes. It’s a must visit for Tony.
The new episode debuts tomorrow, Monday, March 2 at 10PM EST on the Travel Channel. Bourdain will most likely blog about it, so check his blog between today and tomorrow. I'll be sure to update this post to let you know when and if he posts something.

Here's a sneak peek to whet your appetite... Thanks, as always, to Ingrid for providing the info. and the clip! :-)

4 comment(s):

Indyeah said...

You are a true blue certified Bourdain fan!:D
I crown you the number one fan:))

Sri lanka is a beautiful place...if only all the violence would stop:(

Unknown said...

Damn straight I'm a true blue certified Bourdain fan! :p

Anonymous said...

I'm a Bourdain fan too...won't miss this episode... and guess what, I truly loved your love for words as shared in the posts! Kudos:) blogrolling you, cristina!

Unknown said...

Hi naperville mom! I love meeting other bloggers, especially if they're fellow Bourdain fans. :)