It starts with you... Pay it forward!

I was inspired by my bloggy friend Rasha to participate in the Pay it Forward campaign. What it boils down to is basically this:
Pay it forward 2011. I promise to send (or deliver) something handmade to the 1st {5} people who leave a comment. They must in turn post this and send something they made to the 1st {5} people who comment on their status. The rules are that it must be handmade by you and it must be sent to your 5 people sometime in 2011. It can be big or small, you don't get to specify what I send to you. :) Ready... Set... GO!
I thought this was the most creative idea I'd ever heard, so I am going to take part in it, too. The first five people who comment either on this blog post or on my latest status update on my Facebook page will receive something handmade from me. Leave your comments below if you'd like to participate, along with an email address where I can contact you! :)

And thanks again to Rasha for the inspiration. You rock, girl!

UPDATE: I'm now up to 4 volunteers for Pay it Forward! That means I need JUST ONE MORE volunteer. Will be you?



1 comment(s):

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Wahooo love this!! (I was inspired by someone else, but non the less it's a great thing)!