I first heard about the band Camera Obscura from a fellow blogger, Lauren (the same Lauren from fill-in-the-blank Fridays). She raved about them on her blog and something about their album cover art just drew me in... so I decided to give them a listen, and to my very great surprise, I wound up loving them, as Lauren writes, "at first sound."
You know I'm a sucker for lyrics, being an English teacher/writer and all, and their lyrics are at once quirky and universal. Here is sample from the song "French Navy" :
You with your dietary restrictions
Said you loved me with a lot of conviction
I was waiting to be struck by lightning
Waiting for somebody exciting
Like you
Said you loved me with a lot of conviction
I was waiting to be struck by lightning
Waiting for somebody exciting
Like you
They're a very new love for me, so I don't know that much about them other than they are from Scotland and have the most curious accents. I own their most recent album, My Maudlin Career, which I cannot stop listening to. It's one of those rare albums where every song is magical. They harmonize beautifully and remind me a bit of She&Him.
Here is the song that first turned me on to this band, "French Navy." Tell me what you think and let me know what you're listening to in the comments! :)
Don't forget to give me your recommendations for yesterday's blog post, What's in your makeup kit?
4 comment(s):
yay! way to spread the camera obscura love!
now you just need to come to portland and see them in concert with me in april :). i'm super excited!
Aw man, I wish I could go to Portland... Me and the boyf have been dying to go there since forever. Have fun at the concert! :)
i heard about them here and there, but only got to listening one song. definitely should check out the whole album soon methinks! :D
I love her blog and yours! xo
that picture is amazing.
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