Tuesday and Wednesday were my lost days this week. Monday was a regular workday on which nothing big happened. Thursday I stayed home from work but started the recovery process, even venturing out to lunch with the boyf in the afternoon, and on Friday I was able to go back to work but came back so tuckered out, I wound up staying in bed all night and falling asleep at the positively ancient time of 11 PM.
Saturday I woke up at 6 AM (!) and stayed in bed reading and puttering about on the internet. I created one of my best "favorites" posts, at least according to Jenny. Oh, and I dyed my hair. The new (and detested) sprinkling of gray hairs I possess were getting out of hand. Then I had a date with le monsieur boyf and came home and fell asleep (again) at 11 PM. Yep, I'm turning into a granny all right!
Today I'm feeling like staying in my jammies all day, maybe seeing a movie. I've been dying to see "The Young Victoria," so maybe I'll watch that. Whatever I do, it will be relaxing for sure.
Here are some of my posts from this week that you may have missed:

picture via we heart it
I hope you have a great Sunday! :-) Oh, and if you want to enter a really cool giveaway for "bewitched bookworms" like me, click here!
2 comment(s):
oh i like that picture
oh this is melissa:)
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